Alabama has recently stirred controversy with moves that critics say are likely to suppress African-American votes, including requiring an official ID and then closing the offices where people can get such IDs. Not to be outdone by its neighbor to the east, the state legislature of Mississippi is considering a bill that would make it illegal for African-Americans to vote unless they have recently returned from a vacation in Chechnya. The state’s attorney general argued that this is not an unreasonable restriction because “there are flights every day to Chechnya.” Florida’s Supreme Court has ruled that pregnant women can only escape blame for endangering their fetuses if the danger comes from a man punching her while actively not selling her drugs. If a pregnant woman trips on stairs, or reads an EL James novel, for instance, she may be jailed immediately upon giving birth, without regard to the newborn’s health or Instagram feed. In related news, Georgia named Kafka its state bird.