
Recent writings:

    How Life Turns Into Art

    I’m standing at the sink, peering into the mirror as I draw the razor up my face, erasing a line of white shaving cream. My five-year-old daughter reaches around me to put her hand under the running faucet. She brings the handful of water up to the top of her head, then draws her hands out to the side, flattening the hair. She repeats this grooming gesture a few times.

    “What are you up to?” I ask.

    “I’m wetting my hair. That way it’s easier to wear.”

    “Makes sense, I guess.” I go back to dumbly shaving.

    “That’s a line, Daddy,” she says. “I’m wetting my hair/ So it’s easier to wear.”


    She skips out of the bathroom. “I’m wetting my hair/ So it’s easier to wear.”

    She accelerates into an elliptical run. “Mommy! Mommy! Hear my line! I’m wetting my hair/ So it’s easier to wear!”

    And there we have a complete example of how life becomes art. At the beginning is the mystery of inspiration. [Read more…]

    The Rejection Generator Project

    In the past couple of weeks we’ve had several requests from editors and writers who wanted to participate in The Rejection Generator Project. By all means, participate! We checked with Sylvester, who said, sure, feeding more raw material into the Generator should be okay as long as we keep close watch. However, he cautioned that text that is not sufficiently venomous can cause it to overheat. We’ve tested systems and run more material through, and so far all’s well.

    If you, too, would like to feed a rejection into the Generator, you have a few options:

    1) Tweet us: @TheStoneslide #rejectiongenerator e.g: Dear Writer, If you were a Nobel Prize winning author, someone would publish this. We’d still know it was shit.

    2) Facebook: Post your text to Stoneslide’s Facebook page:

    3) good, old-fashioned email: Send to editorsATstoneslidecorrectiveDOTcom. Put RGP in the subject line.

    Editors, this is a chance to say what you really think when a pile of absolute fecal matter hits your desk. Writers, don’t let the editors have all the fun. Pen your own scathing put-downs. You’ll feel so much better afterward. Trust us.

We’re sorry to interrupt
but we thought you’d want to know…

The Stoneslide Story Contest

First prize: $3,000 + publication

Entry fee: $10

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The Stoneslide Corrective No. 1

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